Dave Hertog Senior PRIVATE Consultant and Investigator – Providing services which are “Second to none” United States Summary Honorably discharged Army Veteran. Bespoke PRIVATE Investigator with over two decades experience. Dave skillfully provides superior advice, performs complex, high stakes discreet inquiries, reputation defense and privacy strategies, asset searches, judgement recovery, commercial intelligence & litigation support for clients with critical missions & goals. In the last two decades, almost every consultation subject informs me there is a need for a respected (PRIVATE) investigator. My background could be a benefit to you or to your organization. To schedule a PRIVATE consultation, feel free to reach out anytime via (847)-382-4444. I can help and you’ll quickly learn that the service is “second to none”. Previous security clearance(s): 1. Confidential & Secret (US Army, DOD) 2. Confidential, Secret & Top Secret* 3. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)* 4. Special Access Programs (SAP) / Special Access Required (SAR)* 5. COMSEC; NOFORN & WININTEL* *clearances granted by other government clearance granting authority Awarded Facility Security Officer (FSO) Certification Designs: Proactive measures to protect schools & universities from attacks, threats &acts of violence Performs: Bespoke, complex litigation support Contract investigations, virtual investigator Special projects, corporate projects & research Table top exercises Due diligence Litigation support – personal injury & criminal defense cases Background Investigations – MBI, LBI, SBI, SSBI Confidential, discreet family matters Commercial intelligence gathering Counter intelligence, surveillance operations Cyber stalking / inappropriate contact Threat assessment, management PRIVATE estate consulting Investigative strategies Rescue victims of kidnappings Protective vehicle systems Global aviation security / Counter-Terrorism Reputation defense strategies Experience Self Employed 26 years 1 month Award Winning Senior PRIVATE Consultant & Investigator June 1997 – Present (26 years 1 month) United States Just ask his clients, who is Hertog? They will tell you that Dave is a “business of the year” award winning “PRIVATE” consultant, a senior “PRIVATE” investigator who is also an Army Vet. Recognized as the best in his field, he discreetly helps individuals, families & companies protect themselves and their “privacy”. He is a paid resource for law enforcement agencies on complex matters. He also provides strategic advice & table top exercises. Preparing clients working on kidnappings, terrorism or other forms, acts of extreme violence. His subject matter expertise is not limited to litigation support activities, witness interviews, commercial intelligence, hostage rescue, covert or special operations. Activity checks, surveillance, due diligence & background investigations, gathering intelligence & “hard to get” information. Counterintelligence, terrorism, hostage survival, kidnappings & rescues. Assessing, investigating, managing, mitigating & protecting when there are threats and acts of extreme violence no matter where the venue. Senior PRIVATE Consultant & Award Winning Senior PRIVATE Investigator March 2023 – Present (4 months) United States Confidential Special Operations Team Leader / Managing Director July 2019 – October 2020 (1 year 4 months) Providing high end, high quality Professional Executive Protection, Protective Security Services and (related) Consulting to governments, industry and high risk individuals (PEPPSSC). With a demonstrated, proven and verified track record of safeguarding clients, as well as their “peace of mind”, you can count on an unmatched “premium level” of security escort service operations and personnel as well as the additional, associated services that are designed to protect client assets, intellectual property, executives, employees, facilities, family members, aircraft, automobiles & residences all while managing threat levels and preventing associated risk. Aegis Services Limited an Executive Protection Company Regional Manager Operations 1995 – 1997 (2 years) United States The former Aegis Services, Ltd., was an International Executive Protection Organization. Kenneth S. Giannoules, Founder and President, Special Agent in Charge U.S. Secret Service (Ret) & Chief, U.S. National Central Bureau INTERPOL (Ret) Washington DC. Aegis, licensed and was conducting protective, security operations, provided related consulting services to governments, industry and high-risk individuals in thirty-two states. Estate Security; Corporate / Executive Travel Security, Awareness Briefings, Education, Operations & Training; Security Audits, Background Investigations; Workplace Violence prevention & Maritime security. Education Western Illinois University Bachelor’s degree, Law Enforcement Lindenwood University M.B.A.

Dave Hertog
Private Investigations
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